Friday, February 28, 2014


Violin: Fung Chern Hwei (New York)
Piano: Lee Shih-Yang (Taiwan)
Theremin: Ng Chor Guan (Malaysia)

Date: 18/3/2014
Time: 8:30pm
Venue:Toccata Studio 19B, ss2/55,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia.

Admission: minimum donation of RM30

Please browse our youtube website to watch the teaser if you've missed it.
Here is the youtube link:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dance=Music Series #6: Dancing in the Wonderland

Dance=Music Series #6: Dancing in the Wonderland

Dancer: Chai Vivan 
Musician: Ng Chor Guan 

Date & Time: 22/3/2014, 8:30pm
                    23/3/2014, 3:00pm
Venue:Toccata Studio 19B, ss2/55,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia.

Admission: by minimum donation RM25

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Moving Bach


Contemporary dance and baroque Bach music.

Artistic Director: Ng Chor Guan 

Dancer/ Choreographer: Steve Goh, Aida Redza

Musician: Tan Su Yin, Dylan Lee & Ng Chor Guan 

Idea initiated and produced by: Tan E-Jan 

Date & Time: March 15 @ 8:30pm (Saturday), March 16 @ 3:00pm (Sunday)

Venue: Toccata Studio, 19B, SS2/55, 47300 
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Admission: By minimum donation RM 30

Contact: 016-3618504

FB: Toccata Studio

当巴洛克音乐遇见现代舞蹈的刹那, 你脑海浮现了怎样的画面呢?
参与表演的艺术家包括青年舞蹈编舞家吴振辉及资深舞蹈编舞家 Aida Redza;音乐家陈素音,李名堂及黄楚原。巴洛克音乐的传统与规律,现代舞蹈的奔放与激情,当两者相互对谈、相互碰撞、以致相互融合,过程将是如何与众不同?期待舞动巴哈迸发出全新非凡的火花。

日期、时间:3 15 日(星期六), 晚上 八点三十分
               3 16 日(星期日),中午 三点正
地点:Toccata Studio, 19 B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
入场:最低乐捐 30 零吉

面子书:Toccata Studio

Please browse our youtube website to watch the teaser if you've missed it.

Here is the youtube link:

Cake Project #11

19b, Jalan SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

CAKE PROJECT is a combination of CAKE + creative ideas kick-off point funding project.

What is Cake Project?
• A combination of CAKE + CREATIVE IDEAS kick-off point micro-funding project which aim to build strong, generous and diverse network of local art practitioners and audiences.

Who is attending?
There are two groups of people at the event:
1) Group ONE – those who have a creative idea to propose (participants/presenter)
2) Group TWO – those who support creative ideas who comes in as voters (audiences/voters)

How it works?
During the event, every person will be asked to donate a minimum of RM15, which goes to the PRIZE POT. In return, you’ll share a piece of homemade cake and coffee/tea, at the same time eligible to vote for ONE creative idea.
- People from Group ONE – Creative art practitioners including artists, musicians, writers, performers, filmmakers, dancers, designers and the like, will present their creative idea one group by one group. (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q&A session per group)
- People from Group TWO – voters will vote for ONE creative idea they would like to support.
While votes are being collected, everyone will enjoy a piece of cake with coffee/tea
Occasionally there will be performances or talks by special guests, OR return of past winners to share the progress of their winning project.
Winner announcement - The one who get most votes wins the PRIZE POT.

Please submit your ideas not more than 200 words to by 28th February 2014.

For more information please call 016-3618504 or email to


 Violin 小提琴 : Fung Chern Hwei 冯承晖
Theremin 特雷鸣: Ng Chor Guan 黄楚原

Date 日期: 22/2/2014
Time 时间: 830pm
Venue 地点:Toccata Studio 19B, ss2/55,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact 联络:016-3618504
Blog 网站:

Admission 入场:minimum donation RM25 最低乐捐RM25

“FUGU”, a conversation between electronic and acoustic instruments, a cross over relationship of conventional classical and contemporary musical language. We look forward to the effect of interaction between various instruments and sounds. Could it provoke anxiety? Could it motivate enthusiasm? Could it stimulate encouragement? May it be impulsive or intentionally, may it be cultivated or spontaneous, join us for this unprecedented yet exciting collaborative performance of its kind.
